Friday, December 14, 2007

Holiday Giving to Landmark West!

Dear Friend of LANDMARK WEST!:

If Leif Parson’s fun illustration looks familiar, you’ve probably received a copy of LW’s year-end fundraising letter in the mail.

Before you pop your check into the mail (and even if you already have), here are some suggestions of ways you can support LW!—and check one more thing off your 2007 to-do list!

· Use your IRA to contribute: Under the new IRA rollover rules, taxpayers older than 70 ½ can transfer IRA funds directly to LW!. The Pension Protection Act allows supporters to make gifts of up to $100,000 in 2007. This law is set to expire at the end of 2007, so act quickly!

· Make a gift of stock: LW! can accept gifts of stocks, bond, and other negotiable securities. Please call us for instructions.

· Use your credit card to contribute: Please call us at 212-496-8110 and, in just a few quick steps, we can process your credit card gift. It’s the “green” way to give – no paper involved!

· Give a matching gift: Make your contribution go even further. Ask your employer about its matching gift program.

Thank you very much for your continued friendship and support. Together, we can save the Best of the West!

Best wishes for the New Year,

Arlene Simon Kate Wood
President Executive Director

Friday, December 7, 2007

CB7 Votes No to All Seven Congregation Shearith Israel Zoning Variances

Life is short. Tuesday night's Community Board 7 (CB7) full board meeting was not (we're still recovering!). So, long story short, the full board voted to disapprove all 7 zoning variances sought by Congregation Shearith Israel (CSI) to build its proposed, 9-story, 105'-tall community house stacked with luxury condos on the brownstone midblock of West 70th Street.

The vote improved on the CB7 Land Use Committee's November 19 resolution, which disapproved 4 of the 7 variances, sending a strong signal to the Board of Standards and Appeals (which will hold its next public hearing on this application in February 2008) that CSI has yet to meet the burden of proof that could justify violating the low-rise, contextual R8-B zoning protecting this and other side-street midblocks on the Upper West Side.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the public process up to this point. Your time, your energy and your vigilance continues to make a BIG difference for our community.

Gather your strength over the holidays. We'll need it in 2008!

Visit for updates and new materials related to this community advocacy effort.